Demonstration cases
5 multi-scale demo cases
The project will provide solid evidences about the competitiveness of the NiZn technology in 5 energy storage system environments (renewable generation, industry) through the application of an assessment and monitoring protocol of 2 prototypes. The NiZn battery will be assessed in different operational scenarios in 3 different countries and 5 various applications.
From power plants’ hybridisation, in services to support the Electrical Power and Energy System’s (EPES) distribution infrastructure to smart distribution grids’ management, and to customer energy management services, and even in energy management in smart buildings, remote autonomous LV supply solutions and industrial application in electro-intensive industries.
Hybridisation of hydraulic powerplants
to highlight the interesting features of 10 kWh/10kW NiZn battery technology at generation side i.e. for electricity producers. Use-case adaptation to SuperGrid Institute testing environment and elaboration of a basic but adequate Energy Management System. Working at representative level but at reduced scale here, the test environment will use a turbine of 15 kW connected to a synchronous machine and to the BESS.
Smart distribution grid management
A validation of the assembled 10kWh/10kW NiZn prototype will be implemented using EDP Smart Grid laboratory and aims to validate the applicability of NiZn on grid application, by demonstrating this technology performance under different environments, aligned with the following relevant business use-cases:
• E-mobility integration: load levelling at the charging stations connection points;
• Smart-grids operation: voltage and frequency response and congestions management in, e.g., micro-grids and weak distribution grids;
Energy balancing in smart buildings
The 10kWh/10kW NiZn battery pack will be integrated in the UNIGE IES plant demo site (Savona’s Campus of University of Genova). The aim of this activity will be to evaluate the performance of the NiZn batteries and the synergy with rotating machine, thermal energy storage and heat pump in a real civil scenario, since IES plant is connected to the local Polygeneration grid serving the Campus in terms of heat (local Heating District Network) and electricity.
Energy storage for remote autonomous low voltage supply solutions
A second application developed by UNIGE will lead the 2.5kWh NiZn battery to be operated into an integrated system equipped with particular bladeless turbo expander that can convert any fluid stream in electricity and can therefore supply dedicated sensor systems in remoted and isolated areas. In this context, NiZn batteries will ensure an increasing of the reliability of this system.
Energy storage integration in electro-intensive industry for industrial applications
RINA-C will realize a pre-feasibility study to evaluate the potential future integration of a 10kWh/10kW NiZn battery in KME copper manufacturing process. Starting from real monitoring data, the goal of such study is to size the battery, evaluate its integration and evaluate the benefits of such installation in terms of enhanced industrial energy efficiency and emission savings. For validation, Supergrid Institute will develop an EMS according to the study and apply a demonstration of the concept on its test rig, emulating the grid and the KME’s manufacturing process and using a real NiZn battery 1.5kW / 5kWh