Management structure
The Work Packages
A holistic methodology structured around 8 interrelated work packages (WP) is applied to the LOLABAT project, leading to achieve the initiative’s specific objectives
WP1 - Project Management
dedicated to all the aspects of project management; overall coordination and reporting, information flow management, communication between partners of the consortium and advisory board, risk and innovation management.
WP2 - Specification of requirements, norms & standards for the next generation of stationary batteries
aims to assess the current regulatory and standardization framework where LOLABAT project innovation would have to operate, in order to define guidelines towards a future marketability of project outcomes.
WP3 - Improvement of NiZn cell components
will focus on the development of more performant cell components (electrodes, separator and electrolyte) in close association with computational modelling. Selected improvements will be integrated to the demonstrator for the LOLABAT project, after evaluation of their potential for costs reduction, while substantial activities will also prepare the grounds for the next generation (post-LOLABAT) large-scale NiZn battery demonstrator.
WP4 - Electrical characterisation and battery pack conception and design
is dedicated to the upscaling of 10Ah cells to larger cells (50/100Ah), to be done on GEN1 and GEN2 to address the stationary application requirements, defined in WP2. All the components of the battery pack (modules, cells, BMS, sensors) will be developed, characterized and integrated. The battery packs will be used for the demo cases in WP6.
WP5 - Assessment of environmental impact and cost analysis
is focused on the study of the environmental impacts and costs (from cradle to grave) of all the current market batteries and of the new NiZn battery, the assessment of the recyclability potential of the NiZn batteries in a large scale, the development of an AI-based algorithm to optimize the performance of the environmental impacts and costs of the new NiZn batteries and the development of a general and holistic comparison study between this technology and others, regarding environmental impact, cost and other important criteria (e.g. sustainability, operational, safety, etc.) to consider when comparing different battery technologies.
WP6 - NiZn battery performance demonstration for stationary energy storage applications
is dedicated to validation of the viability and effectiveness of the RNZB as a major innovative concept for the future of electricity grids BESS applications such as power generation, distribution grid, commercial, residential and tertiary buildings, as well as industrial sites.
WP7 - Dissemination, exploitation and communication
covers all public communication actions, implementation of all dissemination and exploitation actions of the project results and IPR aspects.
WP8 - Ethics
ensures that all the actors of the project follow the European ethics requirements and ensure the appropriate procedures confirming to relevant legislations which are applied and satisfied in this project.