Back on the SUPEHR23 conference
The “SUstainable PolyEnergy generation and HaRvesting” (SUPEHR23) conference took place between 6th and 8th September 2023 at Savona University Campus (one of the LOLABAT project demo-sites) with the participation of international academic and industrial partners. This event was a success with more than 100 people attending the plenary session, keynotes, technical sessions and workshops and it marked an important point in the dissemination of the project.
SUPEHR23 has been the dedicated conference planned inside LOLABAT project. The Conference Chair was Paolo Silvestri, Ph.D, assistant professor and researcher at University of Genova. Cecilia Torti, Ph.D, SIT Technologies, was the supervisor of the event with regards to scientific and organization aspects.
The Conference provided an unprecedented opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to meet in a highly interdisciplinary environment, to investigate new ideas, to share innovative solutions, and to discuss future research directions in the area of energy storage battery technology, battery system/technology level and coupling in power plants and hybrid systems and of polygeneration. Invited speakers presented potential applications for enhanced power generation efficiency, synergies with alternative technologies, industry-academia collaborative framework, intellectual property management and others.
The main topics, one for each day of the conference, were: electrochemical and alternative energy storage (1st day), thermal and electrical hybrid systems, sustainable power plants (2nd day), energy micropolygeneration and harvesting (3rd day). At the beginning of each day, a plenary session has been scheduled of general interest related to the Conference topics. In the afternoon a keynote session is also scheduled related to the specific topic of the day.
Contributions from 19 countries were received; in details 53 technical papers and 10 oral presentations. So it was possible to define technical sections along the 3 days scheduled according the Conference program published on the conference web site Papers are published open access (which is a plus to disseminate project results), indexed by Scopus and available at the conference web site and at the following link:
The main events inside the conference where LOLABAT consortium was widely directly involved have been:
Keynote in plenary mode “Battery Energy Storage Systems” (part 1) on 6th September (DAY 1) offered all delegates. Chairs: Fabrice Fourgeot, LOLABAT-SUN and Paola Carpanese, University of Genoa (part 1)
Keynote in plenary mode “Battery Energy Storage Systems” (part 2) on 6th September (DAY 1) offered all delegates. Chairs: Shadi Mirhashemi, LOLABAT-SUN and Nora Ganzinelli (RINA-C) –(part 2)
Lolabat Workshop on 7th September (DAY 2) - (Chair: Fabrice Fourgeot and Shadi Mirhashemi - SUNERGY) where at the end was held a Visit to the NiZn batteries laboratory in Savona Campus.
Special technical sessions drafts were scheduled inside the conference with topics very close to the ones of Lolabat projects. Among these, the most significant scheduled technical sessions were: Development of storage systems: hardware; Development of storage systems: modelling; Integration of storage systems; Development of storage systems: materials. Papers from Lolabat Consortium were presented also in these technical sections.
The SUPEHR23 conference has been organized in synergy with similar H2020 projects - SOLSTICE (G.A. n°963599), ROBINSON (G.A. n° 957752), FLEXnCONFU (G.A. n° 884157) IANOS (G.A. n° 957810) NextMGT (G.A. n°861079) - sharing the general objectives on innovative battery technologies, allowing to highlight the importance of such technologies for a low carbon footprint energy approach and influencing the public opinion and awareness on the emerging technologies in this field. In this way it has been possible to organize inside the conference additional workshops with the contribution of involved H2020 Sister projects.